I use Photoshop Elements 5.0 so everything will be geared toward that program.
1. This is what my program always looks like. There are a few options I always have open when I scrap. If you click on 'window' you can choose these options also...tools, layers, palette bin, and photo bin. I find that having these options open just saves time and frustration.

2. To create a blank scrapbook page, click on 'file', 'new', 'blank file'. A dialog box will open that gives you some options. I scrap in 12x12 so I always choose '12 inches' for both width and height. Of course, you can choose 6x6 or 8x8...whatever size you like to scrap in. Be sure to set the 'resolution' to 300 dpi and the 'color mode' to RGB color.

3. Voila! a beautiful blank page!

Done! My page was automatically set to transparent. Does that mattter....should I switch it to white?
I'm pretty new to the stamping world and have never, ever done scrapbooking -- looks like too much stuff is needed and I know it will just collect dust around my crazy house. But digi-scrapbooking I think I could do but never could figure out how you did it. Your tutorials are just what I needed - although I didn't know it before! Thanks so much for sharing this information. And love your work!
Doesn't matter if it is transparent or white. You would just want to change it to white if you were making a page with a totally white background.
Thanks so much! I hope the information helps you! Digiscrapping is SO much fun!
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