My present to Slayton this year when he turned 7 was two hermit crabs. We went to Petco and got all the little food and a little bag of sand to put in the 1 gallon Kritter Keeper we bought. We brought them home and then I started to actually research what these little buggers needed! Well! Let me tell you! They need a lot! Humidity, deep sand, climb-y toys, extra shells, all kinds of special organic foods, salt water, etc. So, we hauled down the 29 gallon tank that we had in the attic. It has a crack in one of the corners, so it was perfect for the crabs. We have slowly upgraded the tank and now it is perfect!
I have to say, I think I like the hermies more than Slayton. I am a *tad* bit addicted. The number of hermies has now grown to 17! I have the hardest time passing by a pet store and not stopping in to see if they have any crabs...and a harder time leaving without at least one if they do!
Here is a picture of one of our medium crabs. This is Carrie. All of the crabs have King Of Queens names. Doug is our jumbo...;).

I'll post more about the hermies later. Just wanted to introduce them!
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